The Vig prototype weighed in at 1,480 pounds -- 70 pounds lighter than an Indy car (which requires a minimum weight of 1,550 pounds). With a very low pounds-per-horsepower ratio, and 95% of the vehicle weight on the rear drive tires during maximum acceleration, the performance is phenomenal. Its acceleration is like a street-legal dragster. It's quicker off the line than a Ferrari F-40 or F-50, a MacLaren F-1 road car, or any other limited production exotic.

Cornering and Handling
With a very low center of gravity and most of the weight over the two widely-spaced rear drive tires (the only tires that can handle the transverse cornering forces), and a very low polar moment of inertia, cornering is incredible. The maximum theoretical tip-over limit is calculated to be 3.27 lateral "g", so the Vig will slide on dry pavement with street tires long before it reaches its tip-over limit. Our original design, the TriVetteTM that was designed in 1974, actually out cornered a Corvette of that time by 10% (verified by independent testing by an enthusiast magazine). And, it still had a 0.5 "g" safety margin before reaching the tip-over limit. Later testing by the Department of Transportation showed the TriVette to be one of the most stable and best handling vehicles they had tested. It out cornered and out handled virtually all four-wheeled production vehicles. Their conclusion was that three-wheeled vehicles can corner and handle just as well as four-wheeled vehicles if the physics are done correctly. Also, the very low polar moment of inertia yields very quick transient responses to steering inputs.

 As incredible as the acceleration and cornering capabilities are, the most astounding capability of the Vigillante is its braking performance. The Vigillante will stop at 1 "g" (with high performance tires), but the most amazing thing is how it handles under braking in slick road conditions. Most of the weight is on the rear tires at static loading, and under hard braking some weight is transferred to the front tire. At 1 "g" deceleration, approximately 33% of the vehicle weight is on each tire, with approximately 66% of the vehicle weight on the rear tires, behind the center of gravity (CofG). That means the vehicle is in the dynamically stable condition.